Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jumping off of a bridge. :)

Today has been a good day.

First of all, I got to sleep in until about 11:30 which I haven't been able to do in MONTHS! It felt good. I actually had to convince myself to stay in bed. My poor working brain said that we needed to get up and do something productive, but I said "Nuh-uh!" When I finally climbed out of bed, Adrian told me I needed to call Jimmy Stone.
"Uh, okay." I chuckled. "What am I calling him about?"
"I don't know. Daddy just said  you need to call him."
Oh yeah, that would be a great conversation.
"Hey Jimmy. I don't know why I called, I was just told I need to talk to you. I have no idea why, though."
That totally wouldn't be weird at all.
So, I went and cleaned myself up before feeded horses. I found my father and Mr. Johnson fixing a pretty blue truck in the garage... Unfortuneately it did not become my truck. Sad day. :(
Any way, when I got back from feeding said horses, I found Jimmy Stone in the garage all ready to go running at Jack Brooks. So we (being Austin, Jimmy, Mr. Stone and I) loaded up in their van, and went down to Jack Brooks Park.
First, let me say this. It has been raining here for almost two days strait, and being South East Texas the dirt is is mostly clay. The bike trails we run at Jack Brooks are more clay than not. That makes for a very slick running surface. Needless to say, I ended up on my backside. XD
So, we ran the trails, getting wetter and muddier with each step. It was a little chilly, but after we got started, we warmed right up. It's so much fun out there. And really pretty (I mean, as pretty as Texas can be). We ran through puddles, up and down hills, ankle deep in mud and water to some picnic tables where we sat to take a breather. Gosh, it exausted me. I don't know why I got so tired so quick. I hadn't really eaten much that morning... Maybe that has something to do with it...  But I got all lightheaded and stuff. It made me sick. But, I got over it. It was too much fun to let that slow me down.
When we finished on the bike trials we ended up back over by the bridge that spans the canal. There was a little sluice ramp that let out in the canal just before the bridge. It had a good amount of water running down, pretty fast too, and it was covered with algea, making it very slick and slimy. A perfect water slide. ;) I was completely barefooted, and with the rocks at the bottom of the slide it probably wouldn't be a good idea for me to go down the slide, so Austin and Jimmy did. I just sat at the top of it letting the watter run past me, but when I went to stand up... I ended up going down the slide anyway. XD It really wasn't that bad, the rocks were bretty blunt, and it was actually a super fun.
Then we decided to jump off the bridge. I'd say it was about a fifteen for twenty foot drop from the bottom side of the bridge to the water. Jimmy waded out to the middle of the canal to see how deep it was, then he climbed back out and hug over the edge of the bridge.
"It's kinda high." he called to us.
"Don't do it Jimmy!" I called back, jokingly. "Don't do it! It's not worth it! You have your whole life ahead of you! Think of your family!"
"Yeah," Mr. Stone said. "That's why he's jumping."
Jimmy hesitated some more. I figured he might need a little help.
"Three! Two! One!" and he let go.
When he surfaced again, he gasped at the cold.
"It's cold! It's so cold!" he informed us, as he swam toward the sluice.
"I was prepared for, you know, getting stuck in the mud or fighting off aligators, but I was not expecting it to be that cold!"
So me and Austin decided  to do it with him. ;) I borrowed Jimmy's shoes. I mean, who knows what kind of sharp things are down there? Then we climbed the railing, and looked down.
Oh dear. Oh dear. What am I doing? What was a thinking?
"Ready?" Jimmy looked at us. Austin and I smiled at him. "We'll go simultaneously."
I looked at Austin. "You ready?"
"Three. Two. One."
We jumped. I wasn't scared until I was about halfway between the bridge and the water, and then I realized. "Huh. It's a lot bigger of a drop than I realized." I plugged my nose, but when I hit the water, my hand was ripped from my face and my head filled with water. It did not smell or taste good, at all. When my head broke the surface my body was tense from the adreniline, and the cold water. My limbs tinglied, my arms screamed for me to stopped swimming, my lungs burned for air.
It was so incredibly fun. I could not wipe the smile from my face. My body was vibrating, my fingers were clumsy, but the thrill of it would not wear off. It was amazing. I thought jumping off of a telephone pole (with a harness, obviously) was exhilarating. Phew. That was great.
Now I'm sitting here eating bagle chips and cream cheese, listening to Mr. Stone and Jimmy talk to my mom about docter stuff, and hospital visits. And I feel good.
I feel good. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

You know how I was talking about how much the Lord loves me?

It just got better.
Turns out, not only will I be going to the Dial Up Tour tonight with my best friend, but I am also going to Waller, and I am going to the dance. :) Nothing short of a miracle. I cannot express how happy I am right now.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Let me show you just how much the Lord loves me. :)

"Thy will be done." It' kind of like the magic words. Of course, and obviously, you have to mean it. You have to sincerely be okay and accepting of whatever the Lord plans for you, even of you have no idea how it will turn out. Even if you don't like how it will turn out.

I have three big things I'm excited for right now.
1: Seeing Olan Rodgers
2: Going to Waller for that open house, and
3: The dance on Saturday.

Very exciting things. But, originally I thought I had to pick one out of all three. I thought they were all on Saturday, the 11th. The choice was really hard. REALLY hard. But, Olan Rodgers was a Christmas present from Maggie, and we had that planned way before anything else. So, naturally, I decided to go with Maggie.
Well, with this weekend coming up, I called Maggie to solidify our plans.
Our battle plan was that I would go to Maggie's house Friday night, sleep over and then go to the shindig Saturday night. So I call Maggie, and the most wonderful thing happened. Turns out the Olan thing is on Friday night. Not Saturday. Which means I can go to both The Dial-Up Tour, and the open house. That in itself made me indescribably happy, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to sleep over Thursday night because I have work on Friday.
I told Maggie I would try to get that day off, but I couldn't make any promises.
Well, today I asked my manager, with no high hopes might I add, if there was any possible way I could get Friday off. She looked at the schedule. Flipped through the pages. I went back to working, keeping her in the corner of my eye. She asked my coworker, nick, a question I couldn't hear. He said, "Yeah! No, that's fine." Then I walked back over and she said, "You got Friday off."
I must confess. I shouted for joy. I thanked Nick who in turned thanked me because he needed the extra hours. Double sides blessings. The lord loves more than me. :)
So, now I just have to see when we're leaving for Waller so I can estimate just how little sleep I'm going to get Friday night after the tour and before the road trip up there. And I need to see when we'll get back, and see if there's any chance of me going to the dance.
We'll see.
Right now, I'm pretty content.
Thy will be done.
And Thank Thee.

Friday, February 3, 2012

People crack me up.

So I work at McDonald's now, in case some of you didn't know. I usually work at front counter, and so I interact with a lot of different people from a lot of different walks of life. The fun part is that I can usually guess not only what they want to eat, but also if they want large or medium (or if they want a meal at all), and if they want it for here or to-go. I'd say 90% of the time I'm right.

The other fun part is having guys my age come in. I'd say 90% of them flirt with me, some more severely than others. Some just give a goofy smiles, while other just come right out and ask for my number (which they don't get. I tell them I don't have a phone, which is... Kind of true... ). Well today one guy came in laughing and joking around with his friend. As usual, I flipped my ears off so I didn't pay attention to what they were saying. (Did you know that the favorite swear word of Texans is the S-word. Yeah, I figured that out... -_- ) Any they ordered and went and sat down. Seeing that I had no other customers to serve, I went to check the lobby: picked up garbage, cleared tables, etc, etc. When I passed their table this guys said, "Hey!"
I turned and smiled politely. "Yes, sir?"
"I like your name."
I hadn't even thought he had seen my name.
"Thank you." I said and smiled again. I walked back to my post, and after a while they got up to refill their drinks and leave. He looked at me and pointed to the dollar menu. "How long have y'all had this?"
"The dollar menu?"
"Uh, I don't know. For forever."
"Aw man. I ain't never seen it." At this point they were headed out the door.
"I guess it was just blocked by your pretty face!"
The door shut so I couldn't say anything. I just chuckled and shook my head.
People crack me up.