"Thy will be done." It' kind of like the magic words. Of course, and obviously, you have to mean it. You have to sincerely be okay and accepting of whatever the Lord plans for you, even of you have no idea how it will turn out. Even if you don't like how it will turn out.
I have three big things I'm excited for right now.
1: Seeing Olan Rodgers
2: Going to Waller for that open house, and
3: The dance on Saturday.
Very exciting things. But, originally I thought I had to pick one out of all three. I thought they were all on Saturday, the 11th. The choice was really hard. REALLY hard. But, Olan Rodgers was a Christmas present from Maggie, and we had that planned way before anything else. So, naturally, I decided to go with Maggie.
Well, with this weekend coming up, I called Maggie to solidify our plans.
Our battle plan was that I would go to Maggie's house Friday night, sleep over and then go to the shindig Saturday night. So I call Maggie, and the most wonderful thing happened. Turns out the Olan thing is on Friday night. Not Saturday. Which means I can go to both The Dial-Up Tour, and the open house. That in itself made me indescribably happy, but I wasn't sure if I would be able to sleep over Thursday night because I have work on Friday.
I told Maggie I would try to get that day off, but I couldn't make any promises.
Well, today I asked my manager, with no high hopes might I add, if there was any possible way I could get Friday off. She looked at the schedule. Flipped through the pages. I went back to working, keeping her in the corner of my eye. She asked my coworker, nick, a question I couldn't hear. He said, "Yeah! No, that's fine." Then I walked back over and she said, "You got Friday off."
I must confess. I shouted for joy. I thanked Nick who in turned thanked me because he needed the extra hours. Double sides blessings. The lord loves more than me. :)
So, now I just have to see when we're leaving for Waller so I can estimate just how little sleep I'm going to get Friday night after the tour and before the road trip up there. And I need to see when we'll get back, and see if there's any chance of me going to the dance.
We'll see.
Right now, I'm pretty content.
Thy will be done.
And Thank Thee.
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