September 18th is now officially Best Friend's Day! I'll tell you why.
My friend Audra went to her best friend's house, so consequently, her best friend's best friend was coming over. MY best friend came over, so, my best friend went to her best friend's house.
Well, and Tony came over. I guess he's a best friend too. :)
So, yes. Tony and my bestest friend Maggie came over yesterday.
First of all my Dad wokeded me up, and said that if I'd get up quick, we'd go get horse feed.
And it was raining. (Or about to, I don't remember.) :D I love the rain. So...much... It makes me Haha, it makes me feel cool. It makes me feel like I love life. And, I do. :)
Sooo...yeah, it was raining, and usually I'd love to go feed my horses in the rain, but unfortunately, we didn't have any feed, so I didn't go outside.
And, like I said, Maggie was coming over, and she called to say she was on her way, so I told her that my dad and I were going to the feed store, and we'd probably be back before she got there, but if we weren't that's where we were.
So, my dad and I left for Evan's feed store. The feed store is like, a mile away, which is awesome. So, we got there, and we ordered:
2 bags of Chaffhaye
2 bags of Senior feed
1 bag of Horse Special
1bag of chicken scratch
1 bag of laying crumble.
It was like...sixty something dollars.
Then we picked up our order and drove home.
Now, the feed bags are fifty pounds, and I have to say, I can carry them, no problemo. :P
So, we take the van to the back yard to unload the feed, and the kids (my little brothers and seesters), come running out all excited, and...some one..I can't remember if it was Adrian or Hannah, comes up behind me and covers my eyes and says
"No! No you can't see it! No, you can't!"
And I say,
"What? What's going on!"
Then I got it...
Maggie arrived. :D
Then, whoever it was, let go, and Maggie came running out from behind a tree, and we said.
Like we do. Really loud.
Well, I had to unload feed, so me and my dad did that, with the horses standing by like vultures, because they hadn't eaten in 24 hours. So, we unloaded the feed, with it raining and wet, then we fed the horses, and the kids (meaning, all of us) went inside.
Then we watched Invader Zim. MWAHAHAHAHA!!! ...sorry. It's the best show ever.
I have a head ache..
Anyway, we hung out for a while, and watched Zim, then we went upstairs, and hung out up there. Adrian fed my brother Tristan's Chinese water dragon some crickets, and that was awesome to watch. He's a natural hunter...kinda...
Then Tony showed up, so we went back downstairs. Then we played Wii for a bit.
Forced Unleashed. I rock at that game. ;)
Then I look over at Maggie, and say,
"We should go for a walk."
She says "But, it's raining."
I say "...yyyeaahh...That's the point."
But, she never really answered. So, we watched TV for a little while longer. Then, Tony says,
"We should go run around in the rain."
and I say "I just said we should go for a walk."
"So, why don't we?"
"I was waiting for Maggie to decide that she wants to go."
"I'll just follow you guys." Said the Maggie.
So, we went for a walk. :D HURRAY!!
We started on the walk, and I commented on how awesome walking in the rain is, because, it's all dark and..yeah.
Tony agreed, and then said he wanted to get struck by lightning. We all gave him that "..." look, and he said,
"Yeah, because, then, if I survive, I'll get super powers!"
"Yeah, "if" being the key word."
"Well, yeah, I'll either get super powers, or I'll end up in an eternal paradise. It's a win-win deal!"
We all laughed. That's the best part. Walking the rain, with your friends, laughing. :) Not many things are better than that.
So, we took the long-long way to the Stone's house.
The Stone's are a family we know from our home school co-op, who live just about a mile away from us. We were headed there.
Maggie commented, that it would be funny if we got far away from my home, and it started raining.
She was worried, because she had her phone and i-pod.
Stupid i-pods... :P
I wasn't worried at all. To tell the truth I was hoping for it.
Of course, we waved at random people in cars, and danced in the road, and made fun of said people in cars.
Once, we wanted to have a screaming contest, but ended up screaming at a car as it drove by. That, was most definitely fun.
Tony kept trying to touch the cars as they pass, and the funniest part was that the cars would speed up when they saw him try to touch their precious cars...they probably thought he was a creep... :P
So, we walk for a while, and guess what? It's starts raining! :D MWAHAHA! I was all "YESSS!!". I really was rather happy. Maggie was all "NOOOO!", because she brought her electronics. :3
The smart thing to do when it's starts POURING (which is was), is to walk, because, you don't get as wet if you run...guess what we did? Yup, we started running! And, we got soaked to the bone. But, it was awesome.
So, we run to the Stone's house, and I keep saying
"Please be home! Please be home!"
I saw their van was gone, so I fall to my knees all dramatic and scream "NNNOOOO!!!!"
But, Mr. Stone was in the garage working on a motorcycle, so I get his attention and say
"Can we come in for a bit?"
So, we hang out in the garage for a bit, talking to Mr. Stone, and he mentions that Jimmy is inside.
Jimmy Stone: Action Hero Extraordinaire, (as we've dubbed him) is an awesome kid. If he'd actually talk, he's really funny, and he's just cool.
So, we trek, sopping wet to the front door, and ring the doorbell.
He opens the door, and looks at the four of us, (Adrian, Tony, Maggie, and I) like we're crazy people...'cause we are. :P
So, we talk for a bit, and joke about walking around, when we knew it was gonna rain. Then, we joke about Jimmy being dry.
We were going to just wait for the rain to stop, but, if it changed at all, it rained harder. So, I borrowed Maggie's phone and call my dad, and find out that Tony's mom is out looking for us. So, Tony tried to call his mom, but she had left her phone at their house, and his sister picked up, instead. Then, I call my mom, and have a very tough conversation, where it's obvious she doesn't want to talk to me, and she's just yelling and tell me to shut up when she talks, and talk when she isn't. So, eventually, I get it across to her, that we're at the Stone's house, and we
can walk home, but if Sister Johnson doesn't mind having four wet children in her van, she can come get us.
So, now my mom, and Tony's mom are on their way to come pick us up, which gets rid of another chance to walk in the rain. :( Oh, well.
Anyway, in the meantime, we talked to Jimmy about random stuff, and joked around, then our moms showed up, and we said goodbye to Jimmy.
"Have fun being wet." he said.
"Have fun being dry." I retorted.
"You know what, I'm gonna get wet later, just because you said that."
...I still don't know if he did or not...
Well, we climbed in the back of Sister Johnson's van, and took the short ride to my house. Then, we got...uh...dry... except for Maggie...she stayed in her own clothes. :P
Then, we were hungry, so we made some lunch.
PBJs.....mmm... :)
The, Austin shows up, so we run outside, to go see him.
Hannah was eating apple sauce, (which Tony doesn't like! How can you
not like apple sauce?! 0_0 ) in this cup that we've had for...well, forever! And, I turn, quite fast, and knock it out of her hand, and it breaks... :_( Oh nooooo!! My mom wasn't happy at all...but then...she's not happy much any more...
Anyway, that was traumatic.
Then we watched MORE ZIM!!!! K'yeah!!!
Maggie had brought her Thousand Suns album, and asked Austin if he had heard it yet. (That seems to be all they talk :P )
He said he hadn't, so we went upstairs to my room, and started listening to it.
Unfortunately, Tony had left, so he couldn't join us.
Then I ended up throwing all my stuffed animals at Maggie, who threw them at Austin, who was supposed to throw them back to me, but instead kept them all in his lap. Eventually, I got them all back, except for Shadow, my giant stuffed horse. Austin carried him around, for like, the rest of the was kinda weird...
Any way, Maggie, Adrian, and I wrestled for a while over a stuffed Scoobie-Doo. I must say that, me and Maggie one the war. ;)
After that, Maggie and I started playing piano, with Austin sitting on the floor, listening.
Me and Maggie play piano all the of the time. We can play a whole bunch of songs, that we love to sing to. So, we played all of those. It felt awesome.
Eventually, we had played all our songs, and Austin said,
"It's like front row seats to a live show."
Haha. He's awesome.
Then, Austin had to go home. So he did.
Me and Maggie were getting bored now, so I suggested teaching her how to make friendship bracelets
So, we went upstairs (followed by every child on Earth, might I add...) and started playing with strings.
I didn't mind the kids so much after a while. They actually behaved themselves quite well, and they weren't bothering Maggie, since their minds were concentrating on not murdering their bracelets.
Then Maggie's phone rang.
That's the worse part about Maggie coming over. She leaves. :P
I can always tell that if her phone rings at a certain time, it's her parents, saying they're on their way.
So, Maggie gathers her stuff, and we head downstairs, and before too long, give each other a hug, and all my friends have gone home. :( Sad time.
I'd say sad day, but it's wasn't a sad day. IT WAS AWESOME!!
All the next week I kept saying,
"Maggie and Tony should come over again. Maggie and Tony should come over again."
I love me some good friends, and some good times.