I can't imagine, what it'd be like to lose a family member, or friend, that way.
I can't imagine, getting that phone call, saying what had happened to them.
I can't imagine, the grief, the pain, I would have felt, and would still feel.
I can't imagine, watching it happen, the sounds, crashing in my ears, the smoke, blinding me.
I can't imagine, being in there, feeling it crush around me. Knowing, my life was about to end.
I can't imagine, what kind of hate, could cause someone to do such a thing. To take so many innocent lives.
I can't imagine, being flown to my death.
I can't imagine, looking out the window, at the ever approaching ground, and realizing, I'm never going home.
I can't imagine, the fear, how scared I would be.
I can't imagine, how scared they must have been. How confused they were. Wondering, why this is happening?
I can't imagine, that years later, it would still hurt. That they're still gone.
I can't imagine.
I can't imagine.
Of course, it's easy to imagine life now. I haven't been through what they have. I haven't lost someone that way.
I wish we had a flag we could fly for the lives that have been lost. I wish I was good enough with words to right some beautiful poem about 9/11, that would spark a fire in your heart, and make you want to scream your pride for your country on the mountain tops, and give you the determination to change the word.But, I can't. I know I can't. Trust me, I've been sitting here trying.
Just, don't forget the sacrifices made for our country. The people who give their lives for our freedom, and country. The young men and women who are over seas, right now, securing our freedom and rights for us.
Don't forget the people that want to destroy what we have. The people that are destroying it, right now. And how much they've already destroyed.
This land, America, was chosen by the Lord as the promised land, for Nephi, and his posterity. It was chosen as the place the true church would be restored, by Joseph Smith.
Don't forget the reason people came here to begin with. They wanted religious freedom. That's why they left their mother countries, for a better one. One where they could do what they wished, the way they wished, with whatever beliefs they had.
So, why get rid of that now? Why take away our freedoms? Why take our God away from us?
I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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