Sunday, September 12, 2010

Home Alone

Good morning, everyone! How has your Sunday been so far? Really? ...Yeah, me neither. I had to stay home from church, because, I felt like crap this morning. I feel like I got beat up...And I don't know why. But, I do know, that I didn't get beat up. :P

I woke up this morning, and everyone was gone. They went to church, so I was home alone. I took a shower, and just sat, for a long time, thinking about nothing in particular. And since no one was home, no one could yell at me for taking a long shower. And, I love taking long showers.
After that, I went down the hallway, to the stairs, and out the window was my horsie, Que, standing there, grazing in the yard. Of course, the first thing that goes through my head is, "How much feed did he eat this time?". So, I hike outside, in the heat, and I walk up to him. He picks his head up, and gives me that "Oh, hi!" face. So, I walk in the barn, and sure enough, the door between the horses, and the feed is wide open...but, here's the funny part...Que didn't eat any feed. He just walked back there, through the other door to outside, and started grazing. Maybe, he realized that his tummy aches were from eating too much food... Hm...either way, I was happy for him. Sadie, my other horse, was locked in her stall, so I let her out, after I brought Que back in. Than I gave them some pats, and went back inside. Then I read chapter 11 in Preach My Gospel, like the missionaries told us to, and now I'm here, all alone, writing this, wishing my neck would stop hurting. ...
Yesterday, was fun! We went to the Stake beach party! It was awesome, if you ask me. I ran around, ate hotdogs, drank water, got sandy, got wet, got dry, got thirsty, and all that stuff. We said "Awooga!" every time, the Galveston girls and I went over big waves. :D That was fun times. And, of course, my best friend, Maggie, was there, and that made it awesome. We made something...secret...That you will see at a later date.  I think, it turned out very nice, and he will like it a lot. Austin grew a beard...that was...interesting...interesting indeed. :P What else?... Oh, there...they found me, every where! It was insane!!
And Tony buried himself, up to his knees in sand. That was indeed a tremendous feat. Then Austin dug him out.
And, I think that's pretty much all that happened.
Have you ever known someone, and you wish you could be really good friends with them, but you're not sure if they want to be friend with you? Or, you think it would just be awkward, if you just gave them a hug when they left, like best friends do? And, you don't want to be anything more than friends. Just friends.
Yeah, I have one of those too...

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